TGH Fauzan Zakaria : Zero Waste Program Needs More Effort in West Nusa Tenggara !!
Kamis, Juli 04, 2019 | 00.47 WIB Last Updated 2019-07-03T16:49:14Z
TGH Fauzan Zakaria.

MATARAM - A charismatic young Mufti, TGH Fauzan Zakaria stressed the optimization of NTB Zero Waste program must be done Structured, Systematic, and Massive (SSM), so the results are more visible and give continuous impacts.

"Yes, it should be SSM. So the SSM term should not be popular for the cheating of Election only. The NTB Zero Waste also must be SSM: structured, systematic and massive. By only that, we can see the achievement of the targets, " said TGH Fauzan Zakaria.

This caregiver at the East Lombok Al-Madani Islamic Boarding School emphasized, to support the NTB Zero Waste not only needs the together awareness, but also a joint movement involving all parties.

The government, private sector, non-profit institutions, and the society in NTB, must have the same perception of the NTB program Zero Waste.

"The government cannot work alone on this waste. At this time, the NTB Zero Waste can be said smells new, only the new smoke. There is no concrete fire of the enthusiasm. This is what must be encouraged, there must be a joint movement, the system must be socialized continuously, "he said.

According to him, this joint movement can start from small things, however it should be conducted in all government agencies, private companies, even to the smallest government scope at the village level.

"My point is, from all institution whether government agencies or a private sector (the NTB Zero Waste) must be included as one program. It is one element that must be evaluated. Also in each school, public and private schools. That is why I said: structured, systematic and massive, " he said.

The SSM movements are also needed in order to change the mindset of the society about the NTB Zero Waste. The socialization needs to involve all parties. Besides the formal socialization, there should be non-formal socialization and education.

"The non-formal ones, for example, the recitations of the Tuan Guru. The Kyai are informal, so just let us handle it over to sit down together. The networks of taklim assembly is numerous, (can be made) before the teaching material is delivered, make sure the first priority for the opening of recitation is the importance messages about cleanliness and NTB Zero Waste, "he said.

TGH Fauzan Zakaria added, to support the NTB Zero Waste program, his party is initiating socialization and education through Friday sermons.

 "We are collecting and designing the concepts. Later on, the Friday sermon will be printed and distributed to all mosques in NTB, the material is related to Zero Waste, "he explained.

He stressed, if this SSM joint movement was carried out for NTB Zero Waste, it is not impossible that NTB will become the cleanest Province.

This Mufti who is also the Chairman of the Indonesian Islamic Tourism Association (APII) added, a great support must also come from the people in tourism industry players for the NTB Zero Waste program. Because, NTB Zero Waste is one program which is very supportive for the tourism sector developments in this area.

"Yes, cleanliness is really related to tourism. Cleanliness is one of the Sapta Enchantments of Tourism. So the tourism industry player must also move together. I am optimistic that if all stakeholders are involved and it is done in SSM, this program must be amazingly successful, " said TGH Fauzan Zakaria firmly. MP/Dewi
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  • TGH Fauzan Zakaria : Zero Waste Program Needs More Effort in West Nusa Tenggara !!

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